Wednesday, June 3, 2009

good of the party?

Well, it hasn't been long since I first started discussing running against Michelle Bachmann in the primary and already my phone and email have been going crazy. Mostly positive input but I have been contacted by several "very active Republicans" who are worried that should I run that the "DFLers will line up..." to vote for me in the primary just to beat Bachmann and "that isn't in the best interest of the party". Seems to me that what is in the best interest of the party is to have the best candidate on the ballot in November.?


  1. Never mind the good of your party, how about the good of your district, state and country?

    Take Crazy-Eyes OUT of the electoral picture!

    (you will be interested -- or not -- to know that my "word verification" is a big, red "kuled".

  2. Some republicans don't understand more voters in the GOP primary help turnout numbers for the Republican Party primaries. the 6th district can influence votes statewide, but its not the make and break of other candidates in statewide primaries, even if Congresswomen Bachmann loses.
